Audio Mixdown of your music by Packo Gualandris at the Oberkorn Studios.
The Audio Mixdown helps your track get a balanced sound, get rid of annoying or harsh frequencies, keep the low-end under control, make the important tracks stand out and the less important be supportive in the background.
Genres: Electronic Music, Progressive House, Melodic Techno, Techno as well as Hip-Hop, Rap, Pop Music, Indie Rock, Indie Pop, Jazz, Rock, Metal etc…
With the Creative Mixdown you give Packo Gualandris a more creative freedom. He might add new sounds, melodies or effects that might absolutely surprise you! 🙂
After you placed your order you’ll get an e-mail with a step-by-step instruction with technical instructions on how and what to send.
If you need a Mastering then follow this link: MASTERING PAGE